Scholarships for indian students in Germany
Scholarships for indian students in Germany

Fully Funded Scholarships for Indian Students in Germany

The country that holds high esteem for its excellent education system, as well as a country with reputed low tuition fees for universities, is Germany. A country of legends in the automotive industry, be it Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen, or many others, is Germany.

There are several number of scholarships for Indian Students in Germany by which they can lower the burden of their finances in Germany.

Germany, because of its quality academic programs, innovative research, and affordable tuition, is the favourite among Indian students. In addition, numerous scholarships are available for studying in Germany, which increases its accessibility. Here, you will find out everything about the scholarships for Indian students in Germany, the approach to applying, and tips to increase your chances.

Types of scholarships available for Indian Students

These scholarships vary in quantity and character for Indian students intending to study in Germany. A general segregation of them would fall into the categories of government-funded scholarships, university-specific scholarships, and private scholarships.

Here are the available Scholarships for Indian Students in Germany:

Government Funded Scholarships 

Below down are the scholarships that are government-funded.

Scholarship Name Description Eligibility Benefits
DAAD ScholarshipsDAAD is the Aussschreibungsform for Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst that has provided the maximum number of scholarships that are fully exempted. It is for the students at the postgraduate level for which the eligibility criteria are for the postgraduate students who are very highly qualified graduates in all academic fields.Indian students applying for master’s or research programs.This includes a monthly scholarship, a travel scholarship, health insurance, and in some cases, family members may benefit from other types of allowances.
Erasmus+Funded by the European Union, Erasmus+ offers scholarships for students from around the world to study in Europe, including Germany.For Indian students enrolled in master’s, particularly those programs included in Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees.Tuition fees, travel costs, a monthly allowance, and insurance.
This scholarship is awarded to especially meritorious students in both public and various private universities in Germany.Indian students studying in an undergraduate or postgraduate level.Monthly €300 which is partially covered by the Government of Germany and the rest by private sponsors.

Non- Funded Government Scholarships 

These are the scholarships provided by Individual Universities, students from India are eligible to get the benefits of these Scholarships. Scholarships Name, Their benefits, and Eligibility are in the table below:

Scholarships Name Description Eligibility Benefits 
Heinrich Böll Foundation ScholarshipsThe Heinrich Böll Foundation guarantees full scholarships to successful students with good academic work, social responsibility, and active political work.Indian students in Germany, for master’s or doctoral degrees.It provides a monthly stipend besides health insurance and special allowances for special needs.
Friedrich Ebert StiftungStudents are selected under this scholarship depending on their commitment to social and political participation.Indian students applying for undergraduate, master, and doctoral degrees in Germany.It covers students’ monthly stipend, health insurance, and allowances for families.
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) ScholarshipsThe Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung fully funded scholarships are offered to those intellectuals endowed with the gift and practitioners and professionals who have a perceptive interest in politics and social issues.Indian students pursuing a Master’s or Ph.D. course in Germany with interest in the field of politics, social sciences, law or economics.Offered internships, travel expenses, stipends on a monthly basis, and payment of tuition fees.
Bayer Foundation ScholarshipsProposed to be awarded to students who are pursuing studies in the fields of science, engineering, and medicineIndian students who are planning to get into graduate or doctoral studies.Financial support for research projects, travel grants, and living expenses.
Humbolt Research Fellowships This scholarship is for highly qualified international researchers at various stages of their careers.Indians who have obtained their PhD in this or related field in the last four years.Monthly stipends, travel expenses, and allowances for family members.

Also Read: Masters in Finance in Germany

Fully Funded Scholarships for Indian Students 

Students most prefer fully funded scholarships, as they basically pay for all the major bills of every student: tuition fees, living costs, travel expenses, and sometimes health insurance. Most of them are planned for in a way that they take away the worries of financial constraints that a student would have in his or her mind enjoying every moment of their time in the study. Here are some of the most prominent fully funded master’s scholarships for Indian students in Germany:

Scholarships Name Expected Amount 
DAAD Post Graduate Scholarships 800 euros per month, 1000 travel allowance, additional study or research funds.
Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarships850 euros per month, medical insurance, tuition coverage, and family allowances.
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Scholarships Full tuition, 1000 euros per month, and 1000 euros for travel costs.
The Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers€2,000 monthly, travel expenses, research 
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Scholarships850 euros per month, travel expenses, and tuition coverage.

How to Apply for Scholarships

There is a duration of deadlines for most scholarship applications to Germany and thus should be addressed with a lot of thought. Individual scholarships have their own approach. The following are step guidelines to guide you while applying for any scholarship. Here are the steps for Scholarships for Indian Students in Germany:

steps to apply for scholarships in Germany
steps to apply for scholarships in Germany

1. Research and Shortlist Scholarships

Understand the various scholarships that you think will be beneficial for your study and research, keeping in mind your future academic and discipline aims also the facilities and benefits they provide you. Then, prepare a list of potential scholarships along with their deadlines.

2. Get Your Documents Ready

Most scholarships require quite a lot of documents to be submitted as a part of the process. Usually submitted documents are:

Academic Transcripts: Official copies of your academic records.

Letters of Recommendation: From your referees; most schools require these to be professors or employers.

Statement of Purpose: A letter focused on why you need to win the scholarship and your career goals.

Resume/CV: An all-inclusive CV bringing out your achievement and performance in academics and extracurricular activities.

Proof of Language Proficiency: Where appropriate, the certificates of IELTS, TOEFL, or German language tests are required.

3. Writing a Quality Statement of Purpose – SOP

Your statement of purpose forms the most vital part of the application. It needs to clearly delineate your academic and career objectives so that it can be made understandable how and why the scholarship will be useful to reach those goals. Be honest, concise, and make sure to tailor it to each scholarship.

4. Application Submission

Give yourself plenty of time to meet deadlines. Ensure your application is complete and that your application package includes all of the documents required.

5. Prepare for the Interview

Some scholarships need you to appear for an interview. You should prepare yourself with some routine interview types that give answers to most interview questions, and you should be prepared to discuss your academic background and future ambitions.

Tips for a High Success Rate

The winning of scholarship grants is a tough game. Here are some tips by which scholarships for Indian students in Germany chances are getting higher.

Start Early: You want to start your search and the application process quite early in order to work without the last-minute rush and tension.

Keep a Strong Academic Record: Mostly, scholarships are awarded on merit, hence a sound academic record becomes the backer.

Being Involved in Extracurricular: Social, political, or academic activities to which one is actively involved can definitely make one’s application prominent.

Seek Help: Never be ashamed to ask for help from professors, mentors, and education consultants.

Customize the Applications: Make your application resemble a scholarship you are targeting. Never use the same applications for each and every one of your scholarships.

Living Cost and Planning For Financing

While scholarships can cover tuition and some living expenses, it is important that a rough estimate of the general cost of living in Germany be obtained. The cost of living is generally different given which city one decides to stay in, but one might incur up to € 800-1,200 monthly on average for housing, food, transport, and other expenses.

  • Housing

Student Dormitories: €200 – €400 per month.

Private Apartments: €300 – €700 per month.

  • Food

Groceries: €150 – €250 per month.

Eating Out: € 8 – € 15 per meal.

  • Transportation

Public Transportation: €30 – €70 per month.

Bicycle: One-time costing somewhere around €100 – €200.

  • Medical Insurance

Public Medical Insurance: Approx. €100 per month.

Private Medical Insurance: As per the selected insurance policy.

  • Other Costs

Books and Study Materials: €20 – €50 per month.

Leisure: €50 – €100 per month.


Germany offers an innumerable number of scholarships for Indian Students in Germany based on their fields of interest. Indian students can make their academic dreams come true, by getting access to one of the finest educational systems in the world.

A scholarship to study in Germany may be a game-changer for Indian students. The scholarships range from fully funded to partially funded from the studies involved and definitely do away with financial burdens, leaving the scholars to contact world-class education and global opportunities.


Q. Is it possible to get a scholarship double time?

A. Yes, you can apply for more than one scholarship, but you should check the individual requirements of scholarships to ensure you are allowed to take them both simultaneously.

Q. Is it necessary to know the German language to apply for scholarships?

A. Yes, some scholarships require the knowledge of the German language, and others are for the English medium students. However, knowing some basic German would make your stay and opportunities in Germany productive.

Q. What if by any chance I am not able to avail of the scholarship?

A. You always have recommendations to look at other means of funding which may be in the form of a part-time job, education loan, or a grant if the scholarship is not awarded to you.

Q. Are scholarships only for master’s and PhD programs?

A. No, scholarships are available for undergraduate, master’s, and PhD programs, but even some of them for short courses and language programs.

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